The Research and Training Division handles
The administrative, financial and other matters of
The following autonomous organizations
- Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE), Dehradun (except establishment matters)
- Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal (including establishment matters)
The following Subordinate Offices
- Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), Dehradun (except establishment matters)
- Directorate of Forest Education (DFE), Dehradun (except establishment matters)
Following Capacity Building Programmes
- Training of IFS Officers
- Training of Personnel of Other Services
- Training of Other Stakeholders
- Foreign Training of Forestry Personnel(FTFP)
Other miscellaneous matters concerning Forestry Research & Training
Administrative set-up
The work of Research and Training (RT) Division is handled by Deputy Inspector General of Forests (RT) supported by AIGF (RT), Technical Officer and other staff. The DIGF (RT) reports to Additional Director General of (Forests). The cases/matters are disposed of as per the approved channel of submission and level of final disposal of cases by the competent authority.
Items of Work Handled
Research and Training Division (Forestry)
The Division coordinates two major Central Sector Schemes namely “Assistance to Autonomous Bodies” and “Forestry Training and Capacity Building”. The details of the schemes are given below-
Assistance to Autonomous Bodies
- Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE), Dehradun.
- Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal
Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE), Dehradun
The ICFRE was established on 31st December, 1986 by restructuring of Forest Research Institute and Colleges to oversee the activities relating to Forestry Research and Education in the country and coordinate the efforts of all concerned Institutes and Organizations. With effect from 01.06.1991 the ICFRE was converted into an autonomous body. Presently, ICFRE with its Headquarters at Dehradun is an apex body in the national forestry research system that promotes and undertakes need based forestry research extension
The Council has a pan India presence with its 9 Regional Research Institutes and 5 Centers in different bio-geographical regions of the country. Each Institute has a history of its own and under the umbrella of ICFRE are directing and managing research, extension and education in forestry sector in the states under their jurisdiction.
Research Institutes under the Council are:
- Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun (Uttarakhand )
- Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
- Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore (Karnataka)
- Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI), Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)
- Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat (Assam)
- Arid Forest Research Institute (AFRI), Jodhpur (Rajasthan )
- Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
- Institute of Forest Productivity (IFP), Ranchi (Jharkhand)
- Institute of Forest Biodiversity (IFB), Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Advanced Research Centres under the Council are:
- Forest Research Centre for Skill Development, Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh)
- Forest Research Centre for Bamboo & Rattan, Aizawl (Mizoram)
- Forest Research Centre for Eco-Rehabilitation, Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh)
- Forest Research Center for Livehood Extension, Agartala (Tripura)
- Forest Research Centre for Coastal Eco-System, Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)
To achieve long-term ecological stability, sustainable development and economic security through conservation and scientific management of forest ecosystems.
To generate, advance and disseminate scientific knowledge and technologies for ecological security, improved productivity, livelihoods enhancement and sustainable use of forest resources through forestry research and education.
(i) To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate forestry research, education and extension leading to scientific and sustainable management of forest resources in the country.
(ii) To align forestry research programs in the council with national priorities including achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and combating climate change.
(iii) To provide scientific advice and policy support to the central and state governments aiding informed decision making in forestry matters of national importance and international commitments.
(iv) To act as a repository of scientific knowledge related to forestry, environment and climate change, and disseminate such knowledge to various stakeholders.
(v) To provide technical assistance and support to states, forest- based industries, tree growers, farmers and others for forest protection, afforestation, agro- forestry and allied activities.
(vi) To develop appropriate forest based technologies, processes and products for sustainable resource use, livelihoods and economic growth.
(vii) To provide livelihood support to forest dependent communities through transfer of scientific knowledge and appropriate forest-based technologies
(viii) To develop technically qualified human resource for forestry sector
(ix) To promote forestry education in the country and facilitate universities in improving quality through technical and financial support including development of uniform curricula
(x) To provide consultancy and capacity building services in environment and forest sector.
(xi) To develop and maintain National Forest Library and Information Centre for forestry and allied sciences.
(xii) To develop environment and forest extension programmes and promote the same through mass media and audio-visual aids.
(xiii) To support and advice Government on technical aspects of international conventions and treaties.
(xiv) To conduct other activities incidental and conducive to attainment of abovementioned objectives, which the council may consider necessary.
Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal
Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), Bhopal is an autonomous institution of the Ministry. The Institute, as a sectoral management institute, imparts education in forest management, which is a judicious combination of management, social and forestry sciences. The Institute constantly endeavors to keep in touch with the problems of people, especially the forest dwellers and undertakes need-based research. The major objectives of the Institute are:
(i) To provide training in management and related subjects to persons from forest services, forest departments, forest development corporations and forest related industries.
(ii) To select and prepare outstanding and talented young persons for careers leading to management responsibilities in forest and forest related system; and
(iii) To meet the need of Indian forestry and forest related industry and commerce with respect to updating information on forestry management through research, consultancy and publications.
The Institute offers following academic programmes of varying duration:
- Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management (equivalent to MBA)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Management (equivalent to MBA)
- Post Master’s Course in Natural Resource Management (Equivalent to M.Phil.)
- Nodal Centre for Doctoral Programme of Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
Research is one of the main activities of IIFM. As a sectoral management Institute in forestry, environment and allied sectors, the institute mainly focuses on research activities that are applied in nature. Various national and international organizations, like Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Department of Science and Technology, State Forest Departments, International Tropical Timber Organizations, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, International Development Ford Foundation, World Bank, DFID, IDREC, GTZ, etc.
Management Development Programme (MDP) is one of the pioneer activities of the Institute. The Institute has been conducting short-term training courses, seminars and workshops to transfer technical and managerial skills being generated by faculty areas of the Institute. The Institute with an objective to fulfil the growing need of managerial human power and development of managerial capacity in the forest and allied sectors provides an excellent forum to serve the needs of in-service managers and administrators.
The multi-disciplinary nature of IIFM’s faculty makes IIFM ideally suited to offer consultancy services in the areas of forestry, environment and natural resource management. The subject areas in which IIFM has been providing consultancy support include, agro-forestry, farm forestry, non-timber forest produce, livelihood and conservation, grassland management, marketing, micro credit, joint forest management, eco-development, urban forestry and forestry and forestry planning and management, and environmental impact assessment.
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA), Dehradun
Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGNFA) is a premier training institution established primarily for training of Indian Forest Service officers. The Academy was constituted in the year 1987 by upgrading and renaming the erstwhile Indian Forest College, established in 1938. The Academy imparts professional training to the Indian Forest Service Probationers and has been accorded the status of “Staff College” for imparting mid-career as well as other in-service training for officers of the Indian Forest Service (IFS). The Academy is located in the New Forest campus, Dehradun. The campus also houses the world-renowned Forest Research Institute (FRI).
The motto of the Academy is “Aranyam Te Prithivi Syo Namastu” which means “We bow to the forests on this earth”.
The mandate of the Academy is not only to impart professional training to IFS Probationers and In-Service Training Programmes for senior IFS officers, but also to organize programmes for other stakeholders in the forestry/environment sector. To fulfil the same, the Academy organizes short term programmes for other All India Services officers, Indian Revenue Services Probationers, members of higher judiciary, IRTS and other central services. The training programmes conducted by IGNFA are as under: -
- Professional Forestry Training to Indian Forest Service (Probationers) inducted on direct recruitment
- Mid-career training programme (MCT Phase I, II, & III) for IFS officers
- One-week thematic programme in Forestry for IFS officers
- Professional Skill Up-gradation Course for the inducted Indian Forest officers
- Short-term training programmes for other All India Services (AIS) and central services on Forest & Environment Issues
Directorate of Forest Education (DFE), Dehradun
The Directorate of Forest Education has primary mandate of Induction Training of newly recruited State Forest Service (SFS) Officers and Forest Range Officers (FROs). This Directorate conducts training for SFS Officers through three Academies under its direct administrative and technical control and Induction training of FROs is also done through one Central Academy and Eight Nos. of State run Academies under Technical control of DFE. The DFE through the Central Academies also organizes short term In-Service Training-cum-Workshops and for State Forest Service Officers and Forest Range Officers on different themes.The main mandate of the Directorate of Forest Education are:
- To cater to the training needs of the SFS Officers and RFOs of States / Union Territories in the Country.
- To ensure standard and quality of training being imparted to the forestry personnel other than Indian Forest Service.
- To augment training capacity and facility for the Frontline Forest Staff (Forest Guards, Foresters, Deputy Rangers and Range Officers).
- To assist develop appropriate and relevant training contents and evaluation standards for forestry training at all levels below IFS
- To help states assess training needs of forestry personnel.
- To assist in the development of training policy for forestry personnel.
Forestry Training and Capacity Building:-
The scheme aims to cover the whole gamut of the training and exposure needs of the forestry sector personnel as well as members of the civic society in the country.
Training of IFS Officers:-The component provides capacity building of IFS officers through sponsoring of short-term refresher courses of one-week duration in premier institutions for keeping them up-to-date on latest technologies, new ideas and changing their attitude for managing the natural resources of the country through organizing tailor-made specialized courses. In addition, MoEF & CC also sponsor 3 days training workshops/ seminars for IFS officers on emerging topics of regional, natural and international importance in the premier training and academic institutions/organizations of the country. Besides this, IFS officers are also sponsored by DoPT to pursue long-term training courses within the country in institutions like Indian Institute of Public Administration, National Defence College, Indian Institute of Management, Management Development Institute, The Energy and Resources Institute etc.
Training of Personnel of Other Services:- The component provides capacity building of Personnel of Police, Revenue, Customs, Agriculture, Horticulture, Soil Conservation, Animal Husbandry, Tribal/ Rural Development, Judiciary, Public Health Engineering, National and State Disaster Management Authority, SDRF, CCU, CPWD etc. to have an interface with forestry sector. For sensitizing these departments’ in-service training of their personnel, awareness programmes (short-term trainings, study tours, seminars/ workshops) are held in public and private institutions.
Foreign Training of Forestry Personnel:-The component is aimed at encouraging specialization amongst the forestry personnel by sponsoring them for various short-term/long-term training courses at various overseas Institutions. The programme enables the officers to acquire knowledge and skills in a number of areas and also provides a forum for exchange of experiences and administrative practices required to handle the day-to-day activities. This training includes one-week domestic module and a two-week international module. Under the component, IFS Officers upto the rank of CCF, SFS Officers, RFO and Technical Staff of this Ministry are eligible.
Training of Other Stakeholders: -This component provides specially designed short-term courses, study tours, workshops and seminars on various aspects of forest and environmental conservation organized/ sponsored for various stakeholders which includes Hon’ble Member of Parliament, State Legislative, NGOs, students from educational institutions, nature clubs/ eco-clubs, Panchayats, elected public representatives, personnel from banking institutions, social activists, progressive farmers, press and media persons, etc. The training/workshop will be organized at ATIs/NGOs/FTIs and Institutions under the MoEF&CC.
Contact Us:
Dr. Surabhi Rai, IFS
Deputy Inspector General of Forest (Research & Training)
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Government of India,
5th Floor, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi -110 003
Tel.:011 20819362
E-mail: surabhi[dot]rai76[at]gov[dot].in
Ms. Suveena Thakur, IFS
Assistant Inspector General of Forests (Research & Training)
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Government of India,
4th Floor, Agni Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi -110 003
Tel.: 011 20819273
E-mail: hp199[dot]ifs[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Rajesh Kumar
Assistant Commissioner (Research & Training)
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Government of India
5th Floor, Vayu Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi -110 003.