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Indian Forest Service
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Government of India
Administrative Setup
Who's Who
Contacts of PCCF&HoFF
Contacts-Principal Secretary(Forest)
Orders / Notifications
Inter-Cadre Deputation
Inter-Cadre Transfer
Empanelment Orders/Circulars (Secretary/Addl. Secretary/JS)
Notification / Office Order (Promotion from SFS to IFS/Technical Resignation)
Foreign Bodies / Corporation etc.
Direct Recruitment IFS examination related
AGMUT Joint Cadre
Transfer / Posting Orders
Promotion from SFS to IFS (Notification/Order)
Promotion Orders
Segment Allocation Orders
Miscellaneous Orders
Rules & Regulations -AGMUT Cadre
Scheme-CSS of MoEFCC 2011
Vacancy Circulars (CSS/non-CSS MoEFCC)
Circulars (Other Departments/Organisation)
Offer List
Deputation Guidelines
Foreign Assignments
Cadre Clearance
Policy Matters (Central Deputation)
Research & Training
The Research and Training Division handles
Work Allocation/Activities
In-service Training of IFS Officers
Other Specific Assignments
Administrative Set-up
Rules & Guidelines
Circulars/ Orders
Circulars for trainings by other Institutions
Acts & Rules
Miscellaneous(Acts & Rules)
Pension Forms( 
 204 KB )
Circular - Revised Proforma for furnishing details of IFS officers by the Cadre Controlling Authorities while seeking vigilance clearance - modification of Point No. 7, circular dated 23.02.2024( 
 180 KB )
Orders / Notifications
Last Updated On: 9/5/2018
Archived Links of Inter-Cadre Deputation
Inter-cadre deputation period in respect of Shri Vijayakumara Salimath, IFS(WB:2003) from WEST BENGAL Cadre to KARNATAKA Cadre of Indian Forest Service on personal grounds for a period of three years, letter dated 27.03.2019 (
20KB )
Inter-cadre deputation in respect of Smt. Laetitia Jean Syiemiong, IFS(HP:2002) from Himachal Pradesh Cadre to Meghalaya Segment of Assam-Meghalaya Joint Cadre of IFS for a period from 11.02.2018 to 10.02.2020, letter dated 15.06.2018 (
26KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Sh. Ajit Kulkarni, IFS(PB:2008) from PUNJAB Cadre to KARNATAKA for a period of three years, letter dated 21.05.2018 (
22KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Sh. Sidramappa M. C., IFS(NG:2007) from NAGALAND Cadre to KARNATAKA for a period of three years, letter dated 12.04.2018 (
52KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Sh. K. Thirumal, IFS(HP:2004) from HIMACHAL PRADESH Cadre to TAMIL NADU for a period of five years (
1224KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Sh. Milo Tago, IFS(KT:1990) from Karnataka Cadre to Arunachal Pradesh for a period of three years (
42KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Sh. Ganesh S. Bhat, IFS(UP:2003) from Uttar Pradesh Cadre To Karnataka for a period of three years (
532KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Smt. P. Rajeswari, IFS(TN:90) from Tamil Nadu Cadre to Andhra Pradesh Cadre for for a period of three years letter dated 13.09.2013 (
24KB )
Inter-cadre deputation of Dr. D. Manjunatha, IFS(SK:2004) from Sikkim Cadre to Karnataka Cadre for for a period of five years letter dated 13.09.2013 (
24KB )
Office Order - Shri Praveen Kumar Raghaw, IFS(JK:2000) from Jammu & Kashmir cadre to Uttar Pradesh Cadre on inter cadre deputation for a period of five years order dated 07.02.2013. (
34KB )
Notification - Smt. Laetitia Jean Syiemiong, IFS(HP:2002) from Himachal Pradesh cadre to Meghalaya Cadre on inter cadre deputation for a period of two years notification dated 15.11.2012. (
382KB )
Notification - Dr. Krishna Deo Prasad Sahu, IFS(KL:2005) from Kerala cadre to Jharkhand Cadre on inter cadre deputation for a period of three years notification dated 16.11.2012. (
342KB )
Smt. C. Meenakshi, IFS(MS:2009) from Maharashtra Cadre Tamil Nadu Cadre order dated 04.11.2011 (
68KB )
Shri M.Senthil Kumar, IFS(NG:99) from Nagland Cadre to Tamil Nadu Cadre on Inter Cadre Deputation (
578KB )
Smt. Deepa D. Naier, IFS(MT:2001) from Tripura Segment of Manipur-Tripura Joint Cadre to Kerala Cadre (
178KB )
Shri T. Gnana Prakash, IFS(PB:93) from Punjab Cadre to Karnataka Cadre (
164KB )