Archived Links of Miscellaneous Orders
- Instruction for AGMUT Cadre IFS officers for forwarding applications to the various posts under CSS-MoEF&CC Scheme, letter dated 08.02.2024 (
274KB )
- Draft Gradation List of IFS officers of AGMUT Cadre for the year 2024, letter dated 20.12.2023 (
314KB )
- Office Order - Temporarily added/upgradation of posts in the Delhi and Goa segments in the AGMUT Cadre, order dated 31.10.2022 (
520KB )
- Order - One post of PCCF in UT of J&K segment and one post of PCCF in UT of Ladakh are hereby temporarily created, with the approval of the competent authority, for a period of two years w.e.f. date of issue of this order, order dated 01.08.2022 (
64KB )
- Fixation of inter-se- seniority of IFS officers of AGMUT Cadre including UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh- merging of seniority of erstwhile J&K Cadre with AGMUT Cadre, dated 06.07.2022 (
1288KB )
- Notification - Shri Anisha Kalkoor. M., IFS(AGMUT-2009) appoint to the post of Lecturer, CASFOS, Coimbatore in the Pay Level-- 11/12/13 (Rs.67,700-2,08,700/ 78,800-2,09,200/ 1,23,100-2,15,900), as applicable, of the pay matrix on deputation basis under the Central Staffing Scheme of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change w.e.f. 15.06.2022, notification dated 05.07.2022 (
42KB )
- Office Order - Shri T. C. Nautiyal, IFS(AGMUT:2002) presently working as DIGF(C), IRO, Dehradun, is hereby allowed to be prematurely repatriated to his parent cadre i.e. AGMUT cadre, order dated 20.06.2022 (
32KB )
- Order (III) - One post of CCF is hereby temporarily diverted from Arunachal Pradesh to Delhi Segment in AGMUT Cadre for a period upto 31.12.2022, order dated 01.06.2022 (
456KB )
- Fixation of inter-se-seniority of IFS officers of AGMUT cadre including UT of J&K and UT of Ladakh - merging of seniority of erstwhile J&K Cadre with AGMUT Cadre, letter dated 08.04.2022 (
11974KB )
- Office Order - Shri R.K.Singh, IFS(AGMUT:1986) who is presently posted in Arunachal Pradesh as PCCF is hereby selected as PCCF(HoFF) in Level 17 in the Pay Matrix of Rs. 2,25,000/- and posted in Arunachal Pradesh segment of AGMUT Joint cadre of IFS, order dated 08.03.2022 (
388KB )
- Office Order – Consequent upon joining in the cadre the officers in the grade of PCCF/APCCF and DCF are hereby ordered with immediate effect, order dated 02.03.2022 (
762KB )
- Office Order - Temporary diversion of the promotion quota posts in different segments of AGMUT Joint cadre of Indian Forest Service, order dated 12.10.2021 (
1566KB )
- Order – Temporarily upgraded/downgraded posts of IFS officers in various segments of AGMUT Cadre, order dated 31.08.2021 (
84KB )
- Notification- Voluntary retirement of Dr. Pradeep Choudhary, IFS(AGMUT:1986), PCCF, A&N Islands of Joint AGMUT Cadre of Indian Forest Service on personal family grounds, notification dated 28.07.2021 (
52KB )
- Notification - Shri Nyali Ete, IFS(AGMUT:2008) has been permitted to change his name from "Nyali Ete" to "Pee Lee Ete", notification dated 08.02.2021 (
50KB )
- Office Order- Shri Ankit Kumar and Shri Hansraj Dinkar Wathore , IFS probationers of AGMUT Cadre 2019 batch are posted for their On Job Training in Arunachal Pradesh, order dated 14.09.2020 (
120KB )
- Notification - Shri Tapish Chandra Nautiyal, IFS(AGMUT:2002) appoint to the post of DIGF(Central), Regional Office, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dehradun on tenure deputation basis under the CSS-MoEF&CC, letter dated 11.08.2020 (
34KB )
- Order- Temporary upgradation of posts in AGMUT cadre of IFS, order dated 03.07.2020 (
958KB )
- Order- Indian Forest Service- Committee for considering grant of Senior Time Scale and Junior Administrative Grade to the IFS officers of AGMUT Joint Cadre order dated 20.12.2017. (
98KB )
- Office Order- Shri M. S. Negi, IFS(AGMUT:1999), Conservator of Forests, Regional Office(NCZ), Dehradun, MoEF&CC prematurely repatriatedto his parend cadre AGMUT order dated 04.12.2017. (
88KB )
- Notification- Voluntary retirement of Shri Umesh Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:2008), w.e.f. 31.07.2020, notification dated 03.07.2020 (
290KB )
- Office Order - transfer/posting of IFS Officers Shri Birendra Choudhary, IFS(AGMUT:2000) and Shri R. Ajay Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:2008) of AGMUT Cadre, order dated 12.05.2020 (
260KB )
- Notification- Shri R. S. Prashanth, IFS(AGMUT:85) APCCF & Director (IFGTB), Coimbatore, MoEF&CC, retired from Service with effect from 31.1.2017, notification dated 15.11.2017 (
96KB )
- Office Order - Revision of promotion quota posts in each segment of the AGMUT Joint Cadre of Indian Forest Service, order dated 30.10.2017 (
48KB )
- Office Order - The posting of IFS probationers of AGMUT cadre of 2018 batch, order dated 12.05.2020 (
104KB )
- Office Order - The IFS Officers relieving from deputation, the posting of the officers Shri Pratap Singh, IFS(AGMUT:1985), Shri C.A.Reddy,IFS(AGMUT:1986) Shri Kamal Dutta, IFS(AGMUT:1994) and Dr. Surabhi Rai, IFS(AGMUT:2005), order dated 12.05.2020 (
154KB )
- Office Order - Temporarily added posts of IFS Officers in Delhi segment of AGMUT Joint Cadre of Indian Forest Service, order dated 30.10.2017 (
42KB )
- Office Order - Revised allocation of different ranks of Indian Forest Service in AGMUT Cadre order dated 29.06.2017. (
46KB )
- Office Order- The appointment in the IFS from SFS of Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram segment, the posting in the segments of AGMUT Cadre as IFS in the grade of DCF, order dated 12.05.2020 (
100KB )
- Order- The requests of the IFS officers of 2016 batch for transfer from the present segments, order dated 12.05.2020 (
52KB )
- Order - Gazette Notification on Cadre Review of the AGMUT Cadre of Indian Forest Service (
518KB )
- Office Order- Posts of IFS officers in various segments of AGMUT cadre are temporarily added for a period of 02 years, order dated 10.02.2017 (
56KB )
- Office Order- Promotion & posting orders of Dr. G. Trinadh Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:2002), Shri Keshav Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:2002), Shri Jayachandran K.S., IFS(AGMUT:2006), Shri Rajagopal Prashant, IFS(AGMUT:2006), Ms. Koj Rinya, IFS(AGMUT:2006), Shri Kawthnuna, IFS(AGMUT:2006) and Shri C. Lalbiaka, IFS officers of the Joint AGMUT Cadre of Indian Forest Service, order dated 12.05.2020 (
304KB )
- Office Order - The Joint AGMUT cadre of Indian Forest Service officers, who are on Central Deputation, are hereby promoted as Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF) in the Pay Band 4:Rs.37,400-67,000/- plusGP:Rs. 10,000/- order dated 06.10.2016 (
190KB )
- Order- Shri G. Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:1988) is hereby promoted as CCF, APCCF and PCCF as per details, order dated 14.01.2020 (
34KB )
- Notification- Technical Resignation tendered by Ms Manish Rana, IFS (AGMUT:2017) from Indian Forest Service w.e.f 16.08.2019, notification dated 10.10.2019 (
52KB )
- Office Order - The Pay of Shri M. S. Negi, IFS(AGMUT:1999) may be stepped up at par with his junior Shri R. Horo, IFS(AGMUT:2000) order dated 03.06.2016 (
16KB )
- Office Order - Joint AGMUT Cadre of the Indian Forest Service are eligible for Non-functional up-gradation in the Pay Band 4:Rs.37,400-67,000/- plus GP:Rs. 10,000/- order dated 25.05.2016 (
470KB )
- Review of service of All India Service officers who have completed 15 years and 25 years of qualifying service letter dated 18.02.2016 (
64KB )
- Office Order- Shri Kalpataru Kar, IGS(AGMUT:99) retired from his service from Lakshadweep segment of AGMUT Cadre with effect from the afternoon of 31st October, 2015 order dated 19.10.2015 (
24KB )
- Notification - Deemed Resignation of Shri Visahl Gupta, IFS(AGMUT:1996) from the Indian Forest Service, notification dated 12.07.2018. (
28KB )
- The All India Services (PAR) Rules, 2007 - annual health check letter dated May 26, 2015 (
346KB )
- Notification - Shri Roy P. Thomas, IFS(KL:2006) on deputation to the AIGF, MoEF&CC under CSS-MoEF&CC upto the 30.04.2018 order dated April 15, 2015 (
40KB )
- Updation of EXECUTIVE RECORD SHEET of IFS Officers of AGMUT Cadre, letter dated 27/04/2018 (
30KB )
- Office Order - Shri M. Rajkumar, IFS(AGMUT:2000) on deputation to the Director, Ministry of Coal under CSS-DoPT for a period upto 10.02.2020 order dated April 15, 2015 (
32KB )
- Office Order - Granted Non functional upgradation of IFS Officers in AGMUT Joint cadre of IFS order dated 16-03-2015 (
148KB )
- Office Order - Dr. G. Trinadh Kumar, IFS(AGMUT:2002), repatriation from deputation and posted to A&N Islands segment of AGMUT cadre, order dated dated 23/04/2018 (
198KB )
- ORDER - Indian Forest Service - Committee for considering grant of Selection Grade, Super Time Scale & above Super Time Scale to the IFS officcers of AGMUT Cadre order dated 17.01.2018. (
30KB )
- Office Order - Temporary Upgradation of posts in AGMUT Joint Cadre, order dated December 24, 2014 (
68KB )